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Thursday 14 June 2018

What's Wrong with HDFC

This Account was closed by the client as can be seen below.
Incidentally this is the second closure slip as after the first closure, they kept sending reminders and charging a fee for not maintaining a minimum balance.

They have subsequently been sending reminders of the account status as below

and now they send a Credit Card for a Closed Account. Is this part of a deliberate strategy to con customers and then levy charges as Fines on some unknown pretext. Is the Ombudsman listening
And now today they issue another warning as below screenshot

Monday 11 June 2018

Sad state of affairs at Four Bungalows

This is the scene at Four Bungalows street.
It has been brought to the Notice of the elected many a time,
but NO action has been taken yet.
Dirty slushy water splashes on passers by,
and many a time we need to return home and change
into a set of fresh clothing.
And this is Not a Monsoon phenomenon
Water stagnates here 365 days....

Will somebody get this penny job done,
before our next visit to the Laundry